CM Products and Services
Market Data
Highly performant cryptoasset market data.
- CM Market Data Feed provides access to historical and real-time data from over 30 of the world’s leading spot and derivatives crypto exchanges
- All fundamental market-related data types including tick-by-tick trades, quotes, order book snapshots, candles, and more
Institutional-quality Cryptoasset Indexes and Benchmarks.
- Coin Metrics Bletchley Indexes (CMBI) offer a comprehensive suite of single-asset, multi-asset and unique cryptoasset benchmarks
- Calculation agent services are available for institutions wishing to design bespoke methodologies and/or to administer their own indexes
CM Product Principles
Provide a complete array of data products for institutions
Broad Crypto
Intelligence Offering
Offer structured data for easy access and use
Normalized and
Transformed Data
High Quality
Exceed requirements for security and compliance auditing
Institutional quality
High Touch
Provide dedicated client service and access to subject matter experts