CM Network Data Pro Release: Net Exchange Flows and Full Coverage for Non-ERC-20 Assets

Coin Metrics is pleased to announce the release of version 4.6 of our end-of-day CM Network Data Pro Daily Macro (NDP-EOD) feed. 

NDP-EOD Version 4.6

Version 4.6 includes the below items. 

Metric Additions

In this release, we introduce a new Net Transfer Flow metric (FlowNetXNtv and FlowNetXUSD) to empower analyses of exchange behavior. Both BTC and ETH net flows are supported, and users can select metric units in USD or native units.

Additionally, we have added Revived Supply (SplyRvvX) for DASH, and Continuous Supply (IssContNtv) for PIVX, WAVES, and XEM.

Finally, we have upgraded metric coverage to full coverage for the following assets:

  • BTG
  • DCR
  • DOGE
  • DGB
  • GAS
  • LSK
  • MAID
  • NEO
  • VTC
  • XVG

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].


The Coin Metrics Team

