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Streaming Cryptoasset Prices

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Fundamental Indicators

Cite fundamental indicators such as exchange volumes or cryptoasset network activity/usage

Subject Matter Experts

Speak to leading crypto industry experts on background or on the record

Please attribute any data and quotes to Coin Metrics.



Attribution Guidelines

Whenever Coin Metrics data is displayed to end-users or is core to the functioning of your website or application, proper attribution is required.   

Proper attribution requires including the “Coin Metrics” name or logo and linking to the Coin Metrics website ( where feasible.  You should place the attribution statement on every page or screen on which you use Coin Metrics data.  Alternatively, where screen real-estate is limited, the attribution statement can be included on the “Information” or “About”  page/screen of your application.

There are no requirements for the font style, size or color, only that the text is legible and of equal prominence to other licensing information associated with your application.

Brand Guidelines

Coin Metrics’ brand is the visual representation of our identity. We stand for transparency and empowerment, which is reflected in the clear, clean elements of our brand. These elements and brand guidelines are the basis for materials and communications regarding Coin Metrics.

We created this document as a guide for anyone who is writing or designing Coin Metrics branded communications. Please review and adhere to our design guidelines.

Coin Metrics’ brand features are proprietary. Any usage of our logos, designs and/or other brand elements implies acknowledgment of our terms and conditions.

About Coin Metrics

Coin Metrics is the leading provider of crypto financial intelligence, offering network data, market data, indexes and network risk solutions to the most prestigious institutions touching cryptoassets.

Established in 2017, Coin Metrics is committed to building the crypto economy on a foundation of truth, providing authentic and accurate data with the highest standards of clarity and precision. Coin Metrics puts unparalleled insight and accuracy into crypto data and analytics so that companies can accelerate value creation and minimize risk. For more information, visit

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