Easily identify account counterparties with Atlas!

Our blockchain search engine has a new endpoint!  Now you can easily identify the counterparties to an account (aka address).  Atlas’s Account Balance endpoint has been created for users to obtain an account’s balance history and counterparty data with a single request. This endpoint allows users to dive into an account’s history and understand what accounts were party to each balance update. 

Why get account balance history:

  • Display an account’s full transaction history
  • Analyze an account’s historical profit and loss
  • Discover the counterparty for each transaction 
  • Easily identify all counterparties to an account 

Endpoint: /blockchain-v2/{asset}/accounts/{account}/balance-updates

To learn more about this new endpoint, please visit our data encyclopedia:



Atlas is a blockchain search tool designed to standardize and simplify raw blockchain data. It provides a uniform way to query data from various blockchain full nodes using the double-entry accounting format, thereby bridging the underlying intricacies of different blockchain data models. The basis of Atlas is our Universal Blockchain Data Model (UBDM).

To obtain a full Atlas and asset overview, please visit our Data Encyclopedia and Atlas coverage.

ATLAS v2 API Reference: https://docs.coinmetrics.io/api/v4/#tag/List-of-blockchain-entities-v2/operation/getBlockchainV2ListOfBalanceUpdatesForAccount

ATLAS v2 Python API Client spec: https://coinmetrics.github.io/api-client-python/site/api_client.html#get_list_of_balance_updates_for_account_v2

Knowledge Base Docs: https://docs.coinmetrics.io/on-chain-data/atlas-overview

For more information, please contact Coin Metrics.

