CM Market Data Feed v2.7 Release Notes

Coin Metrics is pleased to announce the version 2.7 release of our CM Market Data Feed. This release contains a significant expansion of our order book and quotes coverage universes, a new pricing methodology, more options data, and many more upgrades and bug fixes. 

What’s New

  • Expanded markets coverage and depth for 10-second order book snapshots. Coin Metrics previously offered two types of order book snapshots: (1) once every 10 seconds that contains the top 100 bids and asks,  and (2) once every hour that contains the full order book. Our 10-second snapshots cover major markets on major exchanges and our hourly snapshots cover every market on major exchanges.

    We have now expanded the 10-second snapshots to cover roughly the top 1,000 spot markets on major exchanges, and we have expanded the depth to include the maximum of 100 levels and all levels where the price is within 10 percent of the midprice. This means that for markets like coinbase-btc-usd-spot which have deep order books, we are now taking snapshots every 10 seconds of the top several thousand levels.  Expanding our order book coverage is a high priority for us, and we expect to expand our coverage more in the future. For more information, please see our separate announcement, Order Book Snapshot Coverage Expansion.

    This data is available through our /timeseries/market-orderbooks endpoint. The depth_limit parameter, which controls how many order book levels to return, can now accept 10pct_mid_price which will return the maximum of 100 levels and  every level where the price is within 10 percent of the midprice.
  • Expanded markets coverage for real-time quotes data. Coin Metrics serves every single quote update (tick-by-tick update of the best bid and best ask) in real-time through our /timeseries-stream/market-quotes websocket endpoint. We have expanded our market coverage to include every single market, both spot and futures, on the following 12 exchanges: Binance, Binance.US, Bybit, Coinbase, Deribit, FTX, FTX.US, Gemini, HitBTC, Huobi, Kraken, OKEx.

    Our market coverage also includes major markets on many other exchanges and now covers 1,000s of markets. We began storing every single quote update in flat files starting in February 2022 which is suitable for any use cases that require historical data. For more information, please see our separate announcement, Real-Time Quotes Coverage Expansion.
  • Launched our principal market price offering. Coin Metrics now offers a new pricing methodology where the price is derived from an asset’s principal market, the market having the greatest volume or trading activity. This pricing methodology is compatible with the accounting principles governing fair value, and it is suitable for valuing assets on financial statements or in other use cases where a principal market price is required by auditors or regulators.

    Coin Metrics produces a principal market price once a second for a universe of 550 assets. It is available from our /timeseries/asset-metrics endpoint. The metric principal_market_price represents the price derived from the principal market in U.S. dollars. And the metric principal_market represents the actual principal market. It is available in 1s, 1m, 1h, and 1d frequencies. For more information, please see our separate announcement, Principal Market Price, A New Pricing Methodology.
  • Reference rates universe expanded to 550 assets. We added an additional 63 assets to our reference rates coverage universe. Our coverage now includes all major assets that are traded on multiple exchanges. For more information, please see our separate announcement, Reference Rates v2.13 Release Notes.
  • Trades from markets containing new assets are now available without delay. Coin Metrics generally collects all listed instruments that are listed on the exchanges that we support. Previously, we would only collect trades from spot markets if our systems recognized both the base asset and quote asset. Adding new assets to our systems involved a manual process to ensure that exchange-reported symbols are mapped to our symbols appropriately which resulted in a slight delay in supporting a new market involving an unrecognized asset. With our latest upgrade, we have eliminated this delay and  trades from all markets are available immediately.
  • Option index settlement price and estimated settlement price. Each exchange maintains their own index that serves as the underlying for derivatives contracts like futures and options. When options expire, exchanges calculate a settlement price (also sometimes called delivery price) to calculate the final profit and loss. We are now collecting and serving the settlement price and estimated settlement price for option markets. The estimated settlement price represents what the underlying index settlement price would be if the contract immediately expired and can be helpful in calculating estimated profit and loss prior to contract expiration.

    The settlement price is served in our /catalog/markets endpoint and is available shortly after an option market expires. And the estimated settlement price is updated once a minute and served in our /timeseries/market-contract-prices endpoint.
  • Launched Coin Metrics Coverage, our website which shows our entire coverage universe. Users often have questions about exactly which assets, exchanges, exchange assets, markets, pairs, and metrics that are covered in CM Market Data Feed. Now Coin Metrics Coverage uses data served from our /catalog and /catalog-all endpoints to comprehensively display our coverage in a navigable and searchable format.
  • Separate catalog endpoints for each of our data types and metrics. Coin Metrics serves a variety of data types and metrics for the objects in our data model: assets, exchanges, exchange assets, markets,  and pairs. The exact availability of each data type depends on the unique combination of the object,  data type, and exchange — some data types only exist for some objects and some exchanges allow us to collect certain data types while others don’t. To address this issue, we have created many additional /catalog and /catalog-all endpoints so that users can know precisely the coverage of all the data types and metrics in our universe.
  • More options for candles for Uniswap and Sushiswap. Uniswap and Sushiswap can have multiple pools for the same pair that correspond to different fee structures. We now calculate candles for each individual pool as well as a candle that aggregates across all pools with identical pairs. We also backfilled candles history for Uniswap and Sushiswap to the inception of each liquidity pool.
  • The full name of each pair is now served through our /catalog/pairs and /catalog-all/pairs endpoints.
  • The exchange-reported symbol is now served for all spot markets served through /catalog/markets and /catalog-all/markets. The exchange-reported symbol was already served for all futures and options markets.
  • Added trades and candles for spot markets for
  • Added trades, order books, and candles for spot and futures markets for MEXC.


  • Removed deprecated Grayscale institution metrics. These metrics have been replaced with metrics with a new naming convention.
  • Reduced the latency of serving our trades data through our /timeseries/market-trades endpoint and candles data through our /timeseries/market-candles endpoint.
  • Reduced the latency of serving our order book and quotes data through our /timeseries-stream/market-order-books and /timeseries-stream/market-quotes  endpoints.
  • Migrated our feed handlers to use Poloniex’s new API and Bibox’s API v3 and Binance’s new API endpoint for discovering markets.
  • Reduced the delay in collecting real-time trades from LocalBitcoins and Bybit and historical trades from FTX.
  • Disabled ZB.COM from being used as an input in our metrics because the exchange has repeatedly served incorrect data.
  • Improved our parsing of different timestamp formats to properly handle instances when an exchange unexpectedly changes their timestamp format.
  • Our order book catalog served through /catalog/market-orderbooks and /catalog-all/market-orderbooks now specifies the available markets by each book depth.
  • Added expiry date to all of Bybit futures. Our expiry date and other contract specifications are served through our /catalog/markets and /catalog-all/markets  endpoints.

Bug Fixes 

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some historical trades from being collected from one market from LBank.
  • Fixed the timestamps for a short period of trades from KuCoin because the exchange started to send trades using different timestamp resolutions. Also recalculated all candles calculated off these trades.
  • Fixed ticker mappings for hot and hot_holo, and recalculated candles for markets containing these assets.
  • Fixed ticker collisions for luna. luna2, berry, step, bfc, one, stc, bifi, gm, ton, btt, and win.
  • Fixed some symbol collisions in our data for Bybit,, Poloniex, and Bittrex.
  • Updated our trade id logic for LMAX, Bybit, and LBank to fix a bug that caused us to, in rare circumstances,  not collect every trade.
  • Corrected BitMEX’s tether-margined futures contract specifications and recalculated BitMEX’s tether-margined futures candles.
  • Handled BitTorrent’s token redenomination plan in our systems and recalculated candles for all markets containing BitTorrent to correct U.S. dollar volume figures in our candles and volume metrics.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause duplicate trades to be served through our /timeseries-stream/market-trades endpoint.
  • Added sorting for itBit trades to fix a bug that caused itBit trades to sometimes appear out of order through our /timeseries-stream/market-trades endpoint.
  • Removed trades with anomalous timestamp for OKEx and removed any candles calculated based off these trades.
  • Removed some order book observations for bybit-etc-usdt-spot with incorrect timestamp.
  • Recalculated some spot market candles in January 2021 to remove outliers.
  • Changed our collection of Bybit’s funding rate data to use another endpoint after discovering that the previous endpoint was serving stale data.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some contract addresses and fees to not show up for certain Uniswap and Sushiswap liquidity pools in /catalog/markets and /catalog-all/markets.
  • Removed a portion of Poloniex trades due to incorrect data sent by the exchange following Poloniex’s upgrade of their API.  Also removed candles and volume metrics that were calculated off these trades.
  • Removed a small number of trades from bybit-bnb-usdt-spot and bybit-btt-usdt-spot due to incorrect data sent by the exchange. Also recalculated candles that were calculated off these trades.
  • Removed some outliers in our eur-usd reference rate and recalculated all candles and volume metrics affected by this bug.
  • Removed some outliers in Bybit’s open interest due to incorrect data sent by the exchange.

About CM Market Data Feed

The CM Market Data Feed provides access to historical and real-time data from the world’s leading spot and derivatives crypto exchanges. Our coverage universe currently consists of over 3,240 assets,  40 exchanges, 25,341 spot markets, 11,521 futures markets, 76,786 options markets, 4492  pairs, 5,497 exchange assets, and one institution. We offer a wide range of harmonized datasets such as trades, candles, order book snapshots, futures-specific data types, options-specific data types, market data metrics,  and more. More detailed and up-to-date information can be found at the Coin Metrics Data Encyclopedia.

Please contact Coin Metrics through our website or at [email protected] for more information on the CM Market Feed. 

