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General Research

Unique crypto insights across a wide range of topics.


Special Insights

DeFi’s Double-Edged Sword

August 7, 2023|Lucas Nuzzi, Special Insights, Tanay Ved|

The 2022 collapse of FTX—a centralized crypto exchange, has highlighted the promise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms due to their inherent transparency, composability, and non-custodial nature. We’ve seen individuals and institutions alike, recognizing the value of DeFi and beginning to [...]

From Orange Groves to Orange Gold

July 24, 2023|Kevin Lu, Special Insights, Uriel Morone, Victor Ramirez|

How crypto assets are to be regulated in the United States is a contentious battleground with high stakes implications for the future of the crypto industry. However, participants in the industry contend that the current regulatory framework is ambiguous, unclear, [...]

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