CM Network Data Pro

Leverage trusted data for confident investing

CM Network Data Pro is a data feed of insightful,
unbiased and aggregate network data metrics for the
top cryptoassets.


Innovative Methodologies

Leading the industry with cutting edge metrics and methodologies

Aggregated Metrics

Simplifying blockchain data accessibility

Versatile Data Delivery

Delivering convenient and real-time data solutions

Intuitive Documentation

Providing robust and transparent documentation

Strong Research Foundation

Offering expert insights and unbiased analysis

Deep Crypto Expertise

Leading the industry in on-chain research and market analysis

Use Cases


Monitor market conditions, identify market cycles, and build better trading strategies


Understand fundamental cryptoasset behaviors and find meaningful indicators that can be mapped to cryptoasset performance

Due Diligence

Leverage on-chain metrics to assess cryptoassets based on fundamentals like activity and network dynamics

Investment Product Construction

Build your own indexes using our network data to weight constituents

Network Data Pro

Key Features