The Crypto Universe Through the Lens of datonomy™
In this issue of Coin Metrics’ State of the Network, we provide an update on crypto-asset valuations, sector performance and volumes leveraging
In this issue of Coin Metrics’ State of the Network, we provide an update on crypto-asset valuations, sector performance and volumes leveraging
In this week’s issue of State of the Network, we take a closer look at the shift in digital asset market
In this week’s edition of State of the Network, we present a selection of indicators that offer us insights against the
Building on the upward momentum from the previous month, digital asset markets extended their strength into November. This market-wide rally elevated the
In today’s issue of State of the Network, we examine trends in trading volume and market data, using Coin Metrics’ datonomy™
How crypto assets are to be regulated in the United States is a contentious battleground with high stakes implications for
Measuring bitcoin’s dominance in the digital assets ecosystem.
In this issue of Coin Metrics’ State of the Network, we leverage datonomy—a classification system for digital assets to zoom
In this special edition of State of the Network, we take a data-driven look at the most important events that impacted
The digital asset market is experiencing a surge in activity as we kick off the new year. Bitcoin is up
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