
Use Cases

We empower institutions with Coin Metrics’ reliable data and insights needed to make impactful decisions across trading, asset management, research, and more


Discover market signals, optimize trading models and streamline trade execution and surveillance systems with our holistic data solutions, ensuring market insight informs every trade

Asset Management

Inform portfolio strategies and investment product creation with our unparalleled data insights, driving innovation and effective portfolio management


Drive fundamental research and groundbreaking insights with our cutting-edge data solutions, providing clarity on market and ecosystem activities


Educate users and enhance engagement with our comprehensive data offerings, bringing crypto to life with context and transparency

Tax, Audit and Accounting

Streamline back office processes and enhance controls with our audit, tax, and accounting-ready data solutions, ensuring results grounded in the ledger truth

Oracle Services

Create dApps with robust and manipulation-resistant offchain data powered by the leading cryptoasset data provider